About ZPrize

ZPrize is an annual competition focused on promoting the use and development of zero-knowledge cryptography. The competition is designed to facilitate public goods funding for this emerging technology and to ensure that the best open-source "baseline" is capable and practical for real-world applications.

All winning submissions become open-source libraries for the benefit of all. This foundation aims to support the next generation of decentralized protocols and applications to enable secure, interoperable, and scalable applications for the next-generation web.

🧭 Vision

🗺 Mission

ZPrize DAO exists to coordinate and lead the advancement of zero knowledge technology, while building the next phase of the internet.

🗓 Key Dates

🏆 Prize Categories

Prize category 1 Prize category 2 Prize category 3
Beat the Best” (FPGA/GPU) - Cysic Beat the Best” (WASM) - DemoX High Throughput Signature Verification - zkSecurity
Leo Fan, co-founder, Cysic Evan, CTO, Demox Labs David Wong, co-founder, zkSecurity
leofan3215 evanm cryptodavidw

🔎 DAO Directory

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