Welcome to the Twitter Handbook! This handbook aims to provide the foundation for creating engaging content on Twitter.

Aleo ambassadors are the face of the Aleo Community. We hope to provide the opportunity for all ambassadors to grow their social media following and become powerful content creators and influencers.

This handbook will be constantly edited/improved.

If you have any questions, contact ENSPYRE#4565 on Discord.

General Format

Great informational content can be broken down into 3 sections: A hook, content body, and conclusion 👇


This stops people from scrolling & reels them in.


This is where you provide value to your viewers - don’t make them regret seeing your content.


This is where you encourage action! Whether its following an account, joining a community or reading a blog post.


All tweets should have a hook. Ask yourself, “Why would anyone stop scrolling for this?”

Don’t be afraid to say something controversial or bold. You have one opportunity to capture someone’s attention.