
Q: Early Backers accounted for 57% of the initial circulation. Do you know how to release this part of aleo? | Link (Answered by Alex)

A: There will be a lockup schedule, it's currently being finalized but it will in accordance w/ industry standards. Roughly speaking there will be some lockup period followed by a fractional unlock over some epoch

Q: It was block heigth 25073. now i stopped the machine. Can i delet the ledger and start again? would i lose the block? Thanks for an answer | Link (Answered by Alex)

A: if it's that far back, and you turn off the miner, you won't lose the block.

Q: Moderators, 1b tokens will available in listing or will cliff/vesting about some time? | Link (Answered by Alex)

A: cliff/vesting

Q: Is there a capacity comparison table?| Link


Q: I see that my miner is definitely on a fork, because it has 200+ blocks more than the heaviest block and the weight is lower. I see other peers in the log but it does not switch to those other chains. Who knows why? | Link


Q: Hi, my node always got the following message and shut down, what happend? | Link

2021-12-22T13:31:10.073748Z TRACE Ledger is shutting down 2021-12-22T13:31:10.073784Z TRACE [ShuttingDown] Disconnect message has been sent to all connected peers 2021-12-22T13:31:10.073815Z TRACE [ShuttingDown] Block requests lock has been cloned 2021-12-22T13:31:10.073843Z TRACE Proceeding to lock the ledger... 2021-12-22T13:31:10.073871Z TRACE Ledger has shut down, proceeding to flush tasks... 2021-12-22T13:31:10.073900Z TRACE Node has shut down.